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Awaken the Learner

Finding the Source of Effective Education

By: Darrell Scott, Robert J. Marzano

Examine how a change in teaching philosophy can help awaken the passion for learning in students. Learn how to promote kindness in the classroom, and understand the power of stories in engaging students

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Awaken the Learner

Create a compassionate, caring school environment. Examine how a change in teaching philosophy can help awaken the passion for learning in students. Learn how to promote kindness in the classroom, and understand the power of stories in engaging students. Explore research-based strategies to enhance teacher-student and peer relationships. Discover how to inspire purpose, reach students’ hearts, and cultivate student security, identity, and belonging.

  • Create safe, welcoming environments that encourage students to be present and positive.
  • Explore the importance for educators to both instruct and awaken learners.
  • Distinguish between methodical, metaphorical, and mystical truths, and understand the role each plays in awakening the learner.
  • Teach essential cognitive skills that align with the Common Core State Standards.
  • Promote student engagement using the self-system.

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Additional Information

Product Code: BKL022, EKL015

ISBN: 9780991374816

Page Count: 232