Tammy Heflebower
- Using Assessment to Track Student Growth Webinar
May 6, 2016
Join us in this webinar to better understand how to use various types of classroom assessments to reengage students in the learning process.
- The New Art and Science of Teaching Webinar
October 5, 2017
The New Art and Science of Teaching is an instructional framework that comprehensively addresses the well-researched components teachers use to make the most alterable effect on student achievement. In this webinar, Dr. Heflebower will overview the new framework, and she will highlight some of the design questions and corresponding elements.
- Implementing Standards-Referenced Learning: A Five-Phase Plan Webinar
September 15, 2020
Building and district leaders must be well versed in standards-referenced grading and all that it entails. This is no small change. It is a lot like parenting—exciting, challenging, trying, rewarding, frustrating, and extremely gratifying. It is the most transformational change upon which leaders may ever embark. This webinar discusses what leaders need to consider to lead the myriad of calculated processes and products that serve as the foundation for solid execution.
- Sneak Peek Into Standards-Based Learning
February 1, 2021
Standards-based learning is a transformational change. During this brief webinar, Dr. Tammy Heflebower will overview two sessions: Teacher’s Guide to Standards-Based Learning and a School Leader’s Guide to Standards-Based Grading. These two award-nominated and -winning resources are the foundation to transitioning to standards-based learning in a school or district. Dr. Heflebower will highlight some of the key content to be addressed in the upcoming mini-session series.
- A Guide to Standards-Based Learning (edWebinar)
August 5, 2021
The implementation of standards-based learning is a transformational change that invites educators to rethink their beliefs and practices. Ultimately, standards-based learning has the potential to transform school for countless students, as teachers and administrators focus on clearly articulating what is to be learned, helping students set goals and track their progress, and accurately measuring and reporting student growth and achievement.