Vision and Action Reproducibles
Transform teaching and learning with personalized competency-based education (PCBE). With the support of this comprehensive guide, you will first discover how to define your vision of PCBE and then learn how to realize this vision by fully implementing the system across your school or district. Strategies, tools, and case studies are shared throughout to help you overcome the challenges of change and succeed with PCBE.
- Become familiar with the PCBE system of education, including its unique qualities and benefits.
- Study the transformation to a PCBE system, which involves a combination of vision and process.
- Study six core ideas and their associated principles and use them to build your own PCBE vision.
- Determine the unique changes that your school or district will require to best meet students’ needs through differentiated instruction.
- Read stories from real schools and districts that have transformed to PCBE and addressed the challenges of organizational change.
- Discover many organizations that can help with the transition to a learner-centered classroom.
Part I: Vision
Chapter 1: Competency-Based Education
Chapter 2: Learner-Centered Instruction
Chapter 3: Restructured Curriculum
Chapter 4: New Roles
Chapter 5: A Nurturing Culture
Chapter 6: New Organizational Structures
Chapter 7: The Principles in Action
Part II: Action
Chapter 8: Overview of the Change Process
Chapter 9: Change Process for a District
Chapter 10: Change Process for an Independent School
Epilogue: Transforming Education
Appendix A: Ideas for New Curricula
Appendix B: Helpful Resources for the Vision
Appendix C: District Readiness Criteria
Appendix D: Helpful Resources for the Transformation Process
- Table P1.1: PCBE Core Ideas and Principles
- Figure 9.1: Criteria for Facilitator Selection
- District Readiness Criteria
- DuFour, R., DuFour, R., Eaker, R., Many, T., & Mattos, M. (2016). Learning by Doing: A Handbook for Professional Learning Communities at Work (3rd ed.). Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
- Lindsay Unified School District. (2017). Beyond Reform: Systemic Shifts Toward Personalized Learning. Bloomington, IN: Marzano Resources.
- Marzano, R. J. (2010). Formative Assessment and Standards-Based Grading. Bloomington, IN: Marzano Resources.
- Marzano, R. J. (2017). The New Art and Science of Teaching. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree.
- Marzano, R. J., Norford, J. S., Finn, M., & Finn, D., III. (2017). A Handbook for Personalized Competency-Based Education. Bloomington, IN: Marzano Resources.
- Marzano, R. J., Scott, D., Boogren, T. H., & Newcomb, M. L. (2017). Motivating and Inspiring Students: Strategies to Awaken the Learner. Bloomington, IN: Marzano Resources.
- Ruyle, M. (2018). Leading the Evolution: How to Make Personalized Competency-Based Education a Reality. Bloomington, IN: Marzano Resources.
- Stack, B. M., & Vander Els, J. G. (2017). Breaking With Tradition: The Shift to Competency-Based Learning in PLCs at Work. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
Chapter 1
- Accredible, “Digital Badges”
- Amazon Education
- Aurora Public Schools, “Digital Badges”
- Boston After School and Beyond, “Skill Badges”
- Center for Curriculum Redesign, “Assessment Research Consortium”
- Competency Works
- Credly
- Engage NY
- HASTAC, “Digital Badges”
- Khan Academy
- Marzano Resources, “The Critical Concepts”
- Mastery Collaborative
- Mastery Transcript Consortium
- OER Commons
- Office of Educational Technology, “Open Education”
- Open Badges
- Open Up Resources
- New Hampshire Department of Education, “Performance Assessment of Competency Education (PACE)”
- San Diego Unified School District, “Digital Badges”
- Summit Learning, “Explore the Curriculum”
- Westminster Public Schools, “About Our Competency-Based System”
Chapter 2
- Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, “Apprenticeships”
- CommunityShare
- Education Reimagined, “Iowa Big" :
- Edutopia
- Edutopia, “Project-Based Learning”
- Imblaze
- Lesson Plane :
- Mrs. O’s House, “Problem and Project Based Learning Activities”
- New England Board of Higher Education, “Problem-Based Learning Projects”
- PBLWorks
- PBLWorks, “Resources”
- Real World Scholars, “Our Programs”
- TeachThought, “50 Smart Ideas for Project-Based Learning”
Chapter 3
- ASCD, “Whole Child”
- Choice Schools Associates, “14 Easy Ways to Create the Whole Child Approach in Your Classroom”
- The Devereux Center for Resilient Children
- Educate the Whole Child
- Transforming Education, “Resources for Educators”
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
- Alabama Parent Education Center
- CAP Tulsa, “2Gen Approach”
- Center for Effective Parenting
- Center for Parent Information and Resources, “Find Your Parent Center”
- Coalition for Community Schools
- Metrics for Healthy Communities
- Pasco School District, “Parent Education Center”
- Union Public Schools, “Community Schools”
- Weld County, “Family Services Visitation Center”
Chapter 6
- Teacher-Powered Schools Initiative
- Teacher-Powered Schools Initiative, “Areas of Teacher Autonomy"
- Teacher-Powered Schools Initiative, “List of Teacher-Powered Schools”
Chapter 7
- Education Reimagined, “Minnesota New Country School”
- Lindsay Unified School District
- Lindsay Unified School District, “Communications”
- Minnesota New Country School
Chapter 8
- Carnegie Corporation of New York, “Accelerating Improvement in Education Equity”
- Colorado Education Initiative
- Foundation for Excellence in Education
- The Teacher’s Guild, “Learn Our Approach to Design Thinking”
- Vision Coalition of Delaware
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Appendix B
Organizations That Help With the Vision
- 2Revolutions
- Aurora Institute
- Center for Collaborative Education
- Center on Reinventing Public Education
- CompetencyWorks
- Education Elements
- Education Reimagined
- Highlander Institute
- Khan Academy
- KnowledgeWorks Foundation
- Leap Innovations
- Learning Accelerator
- Marzano Resources
- Next Generation Learning Challenges
- PBLWorks
- Teacher-Powered Schools
- Transcend Education
- University of Kentucky, “Center for Innovation in Education”
Schools to Consider Visiting to See Their PCBE Visions Implemented
- Charles M. Reigeluth, “School Systems That Have Implemented PCBE”
- Compass Montessori School
- Da Vinci Schools
- Lindsay Unified School District
- Met High School
- Minnesota New Country School
- Montessori Schools
- Sanborn Regional School District
- Summit Public Schools
- Thrive Public Schools
- Two Rivers Public Charter School
- Valor Collegiate Academies
Appendix D
- Charles M. Reigeluth, “School Systems That Have Implemented PCBE”
- 2Revolutions
- Education Elements
- Education Reimagined
- Highlander Institute
- Institute for the Future of Learning
- Next Generation Learning Challenges, “Transforming Learning Collaborative”
- Reinventing Schools Coalition
- Summit Learning
- Transcend Education