Enhance your learning. Dr. Marzano and Marzano Resources associates offer free webinars on a regular basis as a service to the educational community. Explore recorded webinars on a variety of topics.
- Making Your Classroom Standards-Based Even When Your School Is Not Yet Ready
May 22, 2024
Standards-based education is becoming more and more common across the country. The approach is typically implemented at the school level. When it is, the school leaders support the change and are deeply involved in adjusting practices, processes, and policies to support the work. But what about the individual teacher or small group of like-minded teachers who wish to implement a standards-based grading approach in their classrooms but still adhere to the school or district’s traditional requirements?
- Student Agency (edWebinar)
May 15, 2024
We cannot teach our students everything, so we must prepare them for anything. Being prepared requires one to have specific skill sets and mindsets of success. Teachers should intentionally plan to develop agency in all learners. The framework we will share has four requirements: Inquiry starter, clear learning targets, application of knowledge, and reflection. We will share the framework, how it works in a classroom, and how you can get started.
- School Culture and Competency-Based Education
May 25, 2023
School leaders cannot underestimate the importance of nurturing a positive culture. As the High Reliability Schools framework outlines, the base for working toward competency-based education is creating a safe, supportive, and collaborative culture. Join Patrick B. Hardy as he discusses how school culture connects to student success and the implementation of competency-based education and mastery learning.
- The Critical Concepts: Proficiency Scales to Accelerate Student Learning (edWebinar)
May 4, 2022
Research indicates that most standards documents articulate far more content than can be taught in the time available to K–12 teachers. In response, analysts at Marzano Resources sought to identify, as objectively as possible, a focused set of critical concepts for each grade level in the content areas of English language arts (ELA), mathematics, science, and social studies.
- Unpacking ESSER Funding: 5 Essential Takeaways for District and School Leaders
May 20, 2021
The Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund has brought many new possibilities to school and districts nationwide. For administrators, this is a particularly critical time as there is much to know, consider, and decide. Join policy expert Doug Mesecar as he unpacks ESSER and outlines five key takeaways that will help you use this opportunity to its fullest.
- Unpacking ESSER Funding: 5 Essential Takeaways for District and School Leaders
May 20, 2021
The Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund has brought many new possibilities to school and districts nationwide. For administrators, this is a particularly critical time as there is much to know, consider, and decide. Join policy expert Doug Mesecar as he unpacks ESSER and outlines five key takeaways that will help you use this opportunity to its fullest.
- Attending to the Well-Being of Your Professional Life!
May 19, 2021
In this interactive and highly engaging webinar, Timothy D. Kanold and Tina H. Boogren premiere their new research-affirmed Professional Wellness for Educators framework by outlining four dimensions of professional wellness (physical, mental, emotional, and social) thoughtfully designed to avoid burnout and inspire practical daily routines for a healthy, balanced, and meaningful professional life.
- High Reliability Schools: A Framework for Sustainable School Improvement (edWeb Webinar)
May 17, 2021
During this edWebinar, Dr. Phil Warrick will introduce the HRS model and explain how leaders and leadership teams can ensure high levels of student learning by achieving a high level of reliability.
- New Art and Science of Teaching Webinar
May 6, 2020
In this webinar, Kristin Poage will highlight The New Art and Science of Teaching as an instructional framework that addresses research-based ways to improve classroom instruction and student achievement. We will overview this framework, including some of the design questions and corresponding elements.
- Standards-Referenced Grading vs. Competency-Based Grading Webinar
May 8, 2019
During this interactive webinar, Dr. Robert J. Marzano will compare and contrast standards-based grading with competency-based grading.