Workshops & Conferences
- Improving Teacher Development Through Instructional Coaching Workshop
Minneapolis, Minnesota | September 22–23, 2025
In this workshop, participants will discover how to build a coaching culture and mindset in their school or district, including those without designated coaches. Participants will dive into the coaching process through the use of short videos of classroom instruction to experience the process, tools, and feedback protocol.
$769.00$769.00Seats available
- The New Art and Science of Teaching Workshop
Minneapolis, Minnesota | September 24–25, 2025
Effective teaching is a complex but critical endeavor. During this 2-Day Workshop, the presenter arms educators of all levels—from teachers to superintendents and principals—with tools and strategies to improve their practice.
$769.00$769.00Seats available
- Supporting Beginning Teachers Workshop
Boise, Idaho | September 29–30, 2025
Effectively supporting beginning teachers is crucial for retaining these valuable educators and developing expertise concerning student achievement. During this two-day, interactive, retreat-like workshop, leaders, coaches, and mentors will gain specific ways to provide emotional, physical, and instructional support for beginning teachers.
$769.00$769.00Seats available